Roy-llerski July Fundraiser

Join us July 1st – 31st by participating in a challenge #forroy  We’ve shifted things a bit this year, so read carefully! – Entry to each challenge is $10, unless you’re submitting an open donation (thank you!) in which case, the price is...

Trail Conditions January 28

Current Conditions:  Updated Sunday, January 28th, 2024 Comments:  Everything was freshly groomed this morning with a track set in the fields. The skiing is great! Say hi to our new trail head mascot: Burrdeaux! The snowman will greet you at the trail head. Our...

Roy Varney Hornet Classic

Roy Varney Hornet Classic Nordic Ski Race. Girls at 10:30am, boys at 12:00pm. 5K Classical race. Depending on weather, race will be at the MOWC or at Titcomb. GO to for the latest.

2024 Elementary Nordic Program

Once again this winter, in conjunction with the MSAD52 Adult Ed and with the Leavitt Nordic community, we are excited to have the elementary Nordic ski program at the Maine Outdoor Wellness Center again this season. Do you have a child interested in Nordic skiing?...

November Trail Work Day

An important trail work day before the snow falls! Join us for our final trail work day before winter on Sunday, November 26th at 12:30pm. A community trail work day at the MOWC. We will be doing trail maintenance to get ready for the winter. Projects include drainage...

Community Trail Work Day

Our final trail work day before winter comes! A community trail work day at the MOWC. We will be doing trail maintenance to get ready for the winter. Projects include drainage work, erosion work, clearing trails, and more. Bring trail work tools and weed wackers....