Trail Conditions
Trail Conditions-March 6th
Current Conditions: Updated Saturday, March 6th 2021
Comments: The trails were freshened up this morning. The skating is really nice! Loose granular fast snow for the weekend. It will be a great weekend to go for a ski!

Please sign in when you arrive. The sign up sheet is located inside the new lodge. Look for the sign on the door.
No walking/snowshoeing on the groomed ski trails and no dogs on the ski trails. Snowshoeing is welcomed through the woods. There are a few donated skis to rent inside the lodge.
Base Depth: 7-12inches New Snow last 24 hours: Distance Open: 5KM Total Groomed: 5KM Skate Groomed: 5KM Classical Groomed: Date Last Groomed: Groomed on 3/4/21 |
Trail Conditions-February 27
Current Conditions: Updated Saturday, February 27, 2021

Comments: The trails were groomed on Friday which will make for a good weekend of skiing. Maybe some snow/rain today and a warm sun on Sunday will make for slightly softer conditions. Fast skiing in the morning and beautiful skiing all day long. Frozen granular snow that warms up in the sun.
Please sign in when you arrive. The sign up sheet is located inside the new lodge. Look for the sign on the door.
No walking/snowshoeing on the groomed ski trails and no dogs on the ski trails. Snowshoeing is welcomed through the woods. There are a few donated skis to rent inside the lodge.
Base Depth: 7-12inches New Snow last 24 hours: Distance Open: 5KM Total Groomed: 5KM Skate Groomed: 5KM Classical Groomed: Date Last Groomed: Groomed on 2/26/21 |

Trail Conditions-February 18
Current Conditions: Updated Thursday, February 18, 2021
Comments: The trails were groomed this morning after the recent sleet event on Tuesday. The skate lanes were refreshed but a track was not set. The skiing is fast with loose granular snow! Any fresh snowflakes will make it very nice.

We had our very first Nordic race at the MOWC on Tuesday. It was extremely successful. You can see a race recap HERE.
Please sign in when you arrive. The sign up sheet is located inside the new lodge. Look for the sign on the door.
No walking/snowshoeing on the groomed ski trails and no dogs on the ski trails. Snowshoeing is welcomed through the woods. There are a few donated skis to rent inside the lodge.
Base Depth: 7-12inches New Snow last 24 hours: Distance Open: 5KM Total Groomed: 5KM Skate Groomed: 5KM Classical Groomed: Date Last Groomed: Groomed on 2/18/21 |
Trail Conditions-February 13
Current Conditions: Updated Saturday, February 13, 2021
Comments: The trails were groomed on Friday and things are looking really good. Put on an extra layer, grab the sunglasses, and enjoy the beautiful snow and terrain.
We will be hosting our first event on Tuesday, February 16th Wednesday, February 17th with a high school race. The trails will be closed on Wednesday from 8:00am-2:00pm.
Please sign in when you arrive. The sign up sheet is located inside the new lodge. Look for the sign on the door.
No walking/snowshoeing on the groomed ski trails and no dogs on the ski trails. Snowshoeing is welcomed through the woods.
Base Depth: 6-12inches New Snow last 24 hours: Distance Open: 5KM Total Groomed: 5KM Skate Groomed: 5KM Classical Groomed: 5KM Date Last Groomed: Groomed on 2/12/21 |