Trail Conditions
Trail Conditions – January 27, 2022
Current Conditions: Updated Thursday, January 27, 2022
Comments: We are 100% open! A track is set and a beautiful skating corduroy lane on every trail! It is beautiful skiing right now. Snowshoeing can be done in the woods.

Please sign in when you arrive. The signup sheet is located inside the new lodge. Look for the sign on the door. The trails are free to use!
No walking/snowshoeing on the groomed ski trails and no dogs on the ski trails. Snowshoeing is welcomed through the woods. There are a few donated skis to rent for free inside the lodge.
Base Depth: 6-7 inches New Snow last 24 hours: 2 inches Distance Open: 10KM Total Groomed: 10KM Skate Groomed: 10KM Classical Groomed: 10KM Date Last Groomed: Groomed on 01/26/22 |
Trail Conditions – January 22
Current Conditions: Updated Saturday, January 22, 2022

Comments: The fields and woods were groomed Thursday with a 5K available in the fields. The woods are still thin in areas but skiable and have been groomed. It is a great weekend to go outside and ski on some fresh corduroy!
Please sign in when you arrive. The signup sheet is located inside the new lodge. Look for the sign on the door. The trails are free to use!
Heads up! We are scheduled to host the Roy Varney Hornet Classic race on Tuesday, January 25th so there may be snow work being done on the trails Monday afternoon.
No walking/snowshoeing on the groomed ski trails and no dogs on the ski trails. Snowshoeing is welcomed through the woods. There are a few donated skis to rent for free inside the lodge.
At the moment we still don’t have classical groomed, waiting on a few additional inches of snow.
Base Depth: 5-6 inches New Snow last 24 hours: 0 inch Distance Open: 6KM Total Groomed: 6KM Skate Groomed: 6KM Classical Groomed: 0KM Date Last Groomed: Groomed on 01/20/22 |

Trail Conditions-January 9
Current Conditions: Updated Sunday, January 9, 2022

Comments: The fields were groomed Saturday morning with 5K available in the fields. The woods are still thin but maybe skiable in parts. It is a great weekend to go outside and ski on some fresh corduroy!
Please sign in when you arrive. The sign up sheet is located inside the new lodge. Look for the sign on the door. The trails are free to use!
Heads up! We are scheduled to host the Roy Varney Hornet Classic race on Saturday, January 15th so there may be snow work being done on the trials during the week.
No walking/snowshoeing on the groomed ski trails and no dogs on the ski trails. Snowshoeing is welcomed through the woods. There are a few donated skis to rent for free inside the lodge.
Base Depth: 2-3 inches New Snow last 24 hours: 1 inch Distance Open: 5KM Total Groomed: 5KM Skate Groomed: 5KM Classical Groomed: 0KM Date Last Groomed: Groomed on 01/08/22 |
Trail Conditions–December 23
Current Conditions: Updated Thursday, December 23, 2021

Comments: Welcome back to the Maine Outdoor Wellness Center for Nordic skiing! The fields were groomed this morning. There are icy patches with fast frozen granular snow. Be cautious skiing as it is very fast! The woods are currently closed for skiing. We wish you Happy Holidays and a snowy new year!
Please sign in when you arrive. The sign up sheet is located inside the new lodge. Look for the sign on the door. The trails are free to use!
No walking/snowshoeing on the groomed ski trails and no dogs on the ski trails. Snowshoeing is welcomed through the woods. There are a few donated skis to rent for free inside the lodge.
Base Depth: 1-2 inches New Snow last 24 hours: 1 inch Distance Open: 3KM Total Groomed: 3KM Skate Groomed: 3KM Classical Groomed: 0KM Date Last Groomed: Groomed on 12/23/21 |