Trail Conditions
Trail Conditions- February 18th
Current Conditions: Updated Saturday, February 18, 2023
Comments: The trails and field loops were groomed this morning and the skiing is very nice! Look for fast granular snow under sunny skies this weekend. A great weekend to get outside to ski, sled, and snowshoe at the MOWC. It is beautiful skiing even after the recent weather.
Part of the woods are dirty and no tracks are set for classical but besides that, all is looking good!
Please sign in when you arrive. The signup sheet is located inside the new lodge. Look for the sign on the door. The trails are free to use!

No walking/snowshoeing on the groomed ski trails and no dogs on the ski trails. Snowshoeing is welcomed through the woods. There are a few donated skis to rent for free inside the lodge.
Base Depth: 4-6 inches New Snow last 24 hours: a dusting Distance Open: 7KM Total Groomed: 7KM Skate Groomed: 7KM Classical Groomed: (no track set currently) Date Last Groomed: Groomed on 02/18/23 |
Trails Closed Feb. 16-17
Due to the warm temps and predicted rain showers, all MOWC trails will be closed to all traffic on Thursday, Feb. 16th and Friday, Feb. 17th. We need to preserve the snow pack and be able to groom it all for this weekend. There will be no skiing and no snowshoeing on Feb. 16-17. We thank you for your cooperation.
Trail Conditions-February 14th
Current Conditions: Updated Tuesday, February 14, 2023
Comments: With the recent warm temps, the trails are still in pretty good shape. There is some debris in the woods but coverage is still good.
Heads-up: ALL the trails will probably be closed to everyone on Thursday, Feb. 16 and Friday, Feb. 17th due to the warm temps in order to preserve the snow.
Trails were last groomed on Feb. 11th and expect spring like conditions.
Please sign in when you arrive. The signup sheet is located inside the new lodge. Look for the sign on the door. The trails are free to use!
No walking/snowshoeing on the groomed ski trails and no dogs on the ski trails. Snowshoeing is welcomed through the woods. There are a few donated skis to rent for free inside the lodge.
Base Depth: 6 inches New Snow last 24 hours: Distance Open: 10KM Total Groomed: 10KM Skate Groomed: 10KM Classical Groomed: (no track set currently) Date Last Groomed: Groomed on 02/11/23 |
January 26th Trails Status
Due to last night’s snow/mix/rain and today’s warm temperatures, the trails will not be groomed today. We ask that people not ski nor snowshoe on the trails today while it warms up. We will groom them on Friday when the temperatures are below freezing. Thank you for your understanding.
Our elementary Nordic program begins this Sunday, January 29th. HERE ARE DETAILS