by MOWC | Feb 15, 2021 | Center Updates, Events
Trails will be closed on Wednesday, Feb. 17th The Maine Outdoor Wellness Center will host its very first event with a high school Nordic race. Originally scheduled for Tuesday, the race will now occur on Wednesday, February 17th. Seven teams will race on the trails in...
by MOWC | Jun 29, 2020 | Events, Press Release
The second annual (virtual) Roy-llerski event, held to honor Roy Varney who was a Nordic skier at Leavitt Area High School, will be held during the month of July. Participants can rollerski, run, or bike to commemorate the legacy of Roy and receive prizes. We are...
by MOWC | Dec 10, 2019 | Center Updates, Events
Full press release Due to snow conditions, the Roy Varney Eastern Cup Opener (Sugarloaf Opener) has been moved to the Quarry Road Trails in Waterville, Maine. Despite all efforts by Sugarloaf to host this event warm temperatures and rain have forced this change....